Defiant Quick-Start Guide

Defiant System Decommission


The OLCF test resource, Defiant, and its scratch filesystem, Polis, will be decommissioned at 8:00am on April 21, 2025. Data remaining on Polis will be permanently deleted following the decommission. Data owners are responsible for retrieving needed data prior to decommission, so we recommend that this is completed as soon as possible. The replacement for Defiant is anticipated to enter service in June. Please contact with any questions.

System Overview

Defiant is an NCCS open access system that contains similar hardware and software as the Frontier system. It is one of the Advanced Computing Ecosystem (ACE) testbeds and provides a sandbox for testing advances in IRI workflows and patterns, emerging compute architectures and techniques for HPC, emerging storage architectures and techniques for HPC, emerging network architectures and techniques, cloudification of traditional HPC architectures. The system has 3 cabinets, each containing 12 compute nodes, for a total of 36 compute nodes.

Defiant Compute Nodes

Each Defiant compute node consists of [1x] 64-core AMD EPYC 7662 “Rome” CPU (with 2 hardware threads per physical core) with access to 256 GB of DDR4 memory and connected to [4x] AMD MI100 GPUs. The CPU is connected to all GPUs via PCIe Gen4, allowing peak host-to-device (H2D) and device-to-host (D2H) data transfers of 32+32 GB/s. The GPUs are connected in an all-to-all arrangement via Infinity Fabric (xGMI), allowing for a peak device-to-device bandwidth of 46+46 GB/s. Each compute node also has [2x] 3.2 TB NVMe devices (SSDs) with sequential read and write speeds of 6900 MB/s and 4200 MB/s, respectively.


The X+X GB/s values for bandwidths above represent bi-directional bandwidths. So, for example, the Infinity Fabric connecting any two GPUs allows peak data transfers of 46 GB/s in both directions simultaneously.

Defiant node architecture diagram


There are 4 NUMA domains per node, that are defined as follows:

  • NUMA 0: hardware threads 000-015, 064-079 | GPU 0

  • NUMA 1: hardware threads 016-031, 080-095 | GPU 1

  • NUMA 2: hardware threads 032-047, 096-111 | GPU 2

  • NUMA 3: hardware threads 048-063, 112-127 | GPU 3

System Interconnect

The Defiant nodes are connected with Slingshot-10 providing a node injection bandwidth of 12.5 GB/s.

File Systems

Defiant is connected to the Lustre Polis filesystem providing ~1.6 PB of usable namespace (/lustre/polis/).

Defiant also has access to the center-wide NFS-based filesystem (which provides user and project home areas) in /ccsopen/home/<username>


Defiant contains a total of 144 AMD MI100 GPUs. The AMD MI100 GPU has a peak performance of up to 11.5 TFLOPS in double-precision for modeling & simulation and up to 184.6 TFLOPS in half-precision for machine learning and data analytics. Each GPU contains 120 compute units (7680 stream processors) and 32 GB of high-bandwidth memory (HBM2) which can be accessed at speeds of up to 1.2 TB/s.


To connect to Defiant, first ssh to the jump server: and then to the load balancer: For example:

$ ssh
$ ssh

If the load balancer is unavailable, explicity define a login node with defiant-login[1-2] For more information on connecting to OLCF resources, see Connecting for the first time.

Data and Storage

For more detailed information about center-wide file systems and data archiving available on Defiant, please refer to the pages on Data Storage and Transfers, but the two subsections below give a quick overview of NFS and GPFS storage spaces.

NFS Filesystem

NFS Filesystem









On Compute Nodes

User Home



User set

50 GB



90 days



Please not that this /ccsopen location is not the same NFS filesystem as found in other Open enclave systems like Odo. So files created on Defiant will not be available on on Odo.

Lustre Filesystem (Polis)










On Compute Nodes

Member Work


Lustre HPE ClusterStor


50 TB


90 days



Project Work


Lustre HPE ClusterStor


50 TB


90 days



World Work


Lustre HPE ClusterStor


50 TB


90 days



Programming Environment

OLCF provides Defiant users many pre-installed software packages and scientific libraries. To facilitate this, environment management tools are used to handle necessary changes to the shell.

Environment Modules (Lmod)

Environment modules are provided through Lmod, a Lua-based module system for dynamically altering shell environments. By managing changes to the shell’s environment variables (such as PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and PKG_CONFIG_PATH), Lmod allows you to alter the software available in your shell environment without the risk of creating package and version combinations that cannot coexist in a single environment.

General Usage

The interface to Lmod is provided by the module command:



module -t list

Shows a terse list of the currently loaded modules

module avail

Shows a table of the currently available modules

module help <modulename>

Shows help information about <modulename>

module show <modulename>

Shows the environment changes made by the <modulename> modulefile

module spider <string>

Searches all possible modules according to <string>

module load <modulename> [...]

Loads the given <modulename>(s) into the current environment

module use <path>

Adds <path> to the modulefile search cache and MODULESPATH

module unuse <path>

Removes <path> from the modulefile search cache and MODULESPATH

module purge

Unloads all modules

module reset

Resets loaded modules to system defaults

module update

Reloads all currently loaded modules

Searching for Modules

Modules with dependencies are only available when the underlying dependencies, such as compiler families, are loaded. Thus, module avail will only display modules that are compatible with the current state of the environment. To search the entire hierarchy across all possible dependencies, the spider sub-command can be used as summarized in the following table.



module spider

Shows the entire possible graph of modules

module spider <modulename>

Searches for modules named <modulename> in the graph of possible modules

module spider <modulename>/<version>

Searches for a specific version of <modulename> in the graph of possible modules

module spider <string>

Searches for modulefiles containing <string>


Cray, AMD, and GCC compilers are provided through modules on Defiant. The Cray and AMD compilers are both based on LLVM/Clang. The system GCC (version 7.5.0) compiler is also located in /usr/bin. The table below lists details about each of the module-provided compilers.


It is highly recommended to use the Cray compiler wrappers (cc, CC, and ftn) whenever possible. See the next section for more details.


Programming Environment

Compiler Module


Compiler Wrapper










craycxx or crayCC




























Cray Programming Environment and Compiler Wrappers

Cray provides PrgEnv-<compiler> modules (e.g., PrgEnv-cray) that load compatible components of a specific compiler toolchain. The components include the specified compiler as well as MPI, LibSci, and other libraries. Loading the PrgEnv-<compiler> modules also defines a set of compiler wrappers for that compiler toolchain that automatically add include paths and link in libraries for Cray software. Compiler wrappers are provided for C (cc), C++ (CC), and Fortran (ftn).


Use the -craype-verbose flag to display the full include and link information used by the Cray compiler wrappers. This must be called on a file to see the full output (e.g., CC -craype-verbose test.cpp).


The MPI implementation available on Defiant is Cray’s MPICH, which is “GPU-aware” so GPU buffers can be passed directly to MPI calls. Currently, Defiant has MPICH versions 8.1.27 as default and 8.1.26 as an additional module.


This section covers how to compile for different programming models using the different compilers covered in the previous section.





Header Files & Linking



cc, CC, ftn (Cray compiler wrappers)

MPI header files and linking is built into the Cray compiler wrappers


-L$(MPICH_DIR)/lib -lmpi



GPU Aware MPI is currently not working on Defiant. Your code should stage data on main memory before sending/receiving data via MPI. We are working on a fix.

To use GPU-aware Cray MPICH, there are currently some extra steps needed in addition to the table above, which depend on the compiler that is used.

1. Compiling with the Cray compiler wrappers, cc or CC

To use GPU-aware Cray MPICH with the Cray compiler wrappers, users must load specific modules, set some environment variables, and include appropriate headers and libraries. The following modules and environment variables must be set:

module load craype-accel-amd-gfx908
module load PrgEnv-cray
module load amd-mixed

## These must be set before running

In addition, the following header files and libraries must be included:

-L${ROCM_PATH}/lib -lamdhip64 -lhsa-runtime64

where the include path implies that #include <hip/hip_runtime.h> is included in the source file.

2. Compiling with hipcc

To use GPU-aware Cray MPICH with hipcc, users must load specific modules, set some environment variables, and include appropriate headers and libraries. The following modules and environment variables must be set:

module load craype-accel-amd-gfx908
module load PrgEnv-cray
module load amd

## These must be set before running

In addition, the following header files and libraries must be included:

-L${MPICH_DIR}/lib -lmpi -L${CRAY_MPICH_ROOTDIR}/gtl/lib -lmpi_gtl_hsa


This section shows how to compile with OpenMP using the different compilers covered above.





OpenMP flag (CPU thread)



C, C++





-fopenmp (alias)









OpenMP GPU Offload

This section shows how to compile with OpenMP Offload using the different compilers covered above.


Make sure the craype-accel-amd-gfx908 module is loaded when using OpenMP offload.





OpenMP flag (GPU)



C C++





-fopenmp (alias)



-fopenmp --target=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu \
-fopenmp-targets=amdgcn-amd-amdhsa   \
-Xopenmp-target=amdgcn-amd-amdhsa    \


This section shows how to compile HIP codes using the Cray compiler wrappers and hipcc compiler driver.


Make sure the craype-accel-amd-gfx908 module is loaded when using HIP.


Compile/Link Flags, Header Files, and Libraries


CFLAGS = -std=c++11 -D__HIP_ROCclr__ -D__HIP_ARCH_GFX908__=1 --rocm-path=${ROCM_PATH} --offload-arch=gfx908 -x hip
LFLAGS = -std=c++11 -D__HIP_ROCclr__ --rocm-path=${ROCM_PATH}
-L${HIP_PATH}/lib -lamdhip64


Can be used directly to compile HIP source files.
To see what is being invoked within this compiler driver, issue the command, hipcc --verbose

Running Jobs

This section describes how to run programs on the Defiant compute nodes, including a brief overview of Slurm and also how to map processes and threads to CPU cores and GPUs.

Slurm Workload Manager

Slurm is the workload manager used to interact with the compute nodes on Defiant. In the following subsections, the most commonly used Slurm commands for submitting, running, and monitoring jobs will be covered, but users are encouraged to visit the official documentation and man pages for more information.

Batch Scheduler and Job Launcher

Slurm provides 3 ways of submitting and launching jobs on Defiant’s compute nodes: batch scripts, interactive, and single-command. The Slurm commands associated with these methods are shown in the table below and examples of their use can be found in the related subsections.


Used to submit a batch script to allocate a Slurm job allocation. The script contains options preceded with #SBATCH.
(see Batch Scripts section below)


Used to allocate an interactive Slurm job allocation, where one or more job steps (i.e., srun commands) can then be launched on the allocated resources (i.e., nodes).
(see Interactive Jobs section below)


Used to run a parallel job (job step) on the resources allocated with sbatch or salloc.
If necessary, srun will first create a resource allocation in which to run the parallel job(s).
(see Single Command section below)
Batch Scripts

A batch script can be used to submit a job to run on the compute nodes at a later time. In this case, stdout and stderr will be written to a file(s) that can be opened after the job completes. Here is an example of a simple batch script:

2#SBATCH -A <project_id>
3#SBATCH -J <job_name>
4#SBATCH -o %x-%j.out
5#SBATCH -t 00:05:00
6#SBATCH -p <partition>
9srun -n4 --ntasks-per-node=2 ./a.out

The Slurm submission options are preceded by #SBATCH, making them appear as comments to a shell (since comments begin with #). Slurm will look for submission options from the first line through the first non-comment line. Options encountered after the first non-comment line will not be read by Slurm. In the example script, the lines are:




[Optional] shell interpreter line


OLCF project to charge


Job name


stdout file name ( %x represents job name, %j represents job id)


Walltime requested (HH:MM:SS)


Batch queue


Number of compute nodes requested


Blank line


srun command to launch parallel job (requesting 4 processes - 2 per node)

Interactive Jobs

To request an interactive job where multiple job steps (i.e., multiple srun commands) can be launched on the allocated compute node(s), the salloc command can be used:

$ salloc -A <project_id> -J <job_name> -t 00:05:00 -p <partition> -N 2
salloc: Granted job allocation 4258
salloc: Waiting for resource configuration
salloc: Nodes defiant[10-11] are ready for job

$ srun -n 4 --ntasks-per-node=2 ./a.out
<output printed to terminal>

$ srun -n 2 --ntasks-per-node=1 ./a.out
<output printed to terminal>

Here, salloc is used to request an allocation of 2 MI100 compute nodes for 5 minutes. Once the resources become available, the user is granted access to the compute nodes (defiant10 and defiant11 in this case) and can launch job steps on them using srun.

Single Command (non-interactive)
$ srun -A <project_id> -t 00:05:00 -p <partition> -N 2 -n 4 --ntasks-per-node=2 ./a.out
<output printed to terminal>

The job name and output options have been removed since stdout/stderr are typically desired in the terminal window in this usage mode.

Common Slurm Submission Options

The table below summarizes commonly-used Slurm job submission options:

A <project_id>

Project ID to charge

-J <job_name>

Name of job

-p <partition>

Partition / batch queue

-t <time>

Wall clock time <HH:MM:SS>

-N <number_of_nodes>

Number of compute nodes

-o <file_name>

Standard output file name

-e <file_name>

Standard error file name

For more information about these and/or other options, please see the sbatch man page.

Other Common Slurm Commands

The table below summarizes commonly-used Slurm commands:


Used to view partition and node information.
E.g., to view user-defined details about the caar queue:
sinfo -p caar -o "%15N %10D %10P %10a %10c %10z"


Used to view job and job step information for jobs in the scheduling queue.
E.g., to see all jobs from a specific user:
squeue -l -u <user_id>


Used to view accounting data for jobs and job steps in the job accounting log (currently in the queue or recently completed).
E.g., to see a list of specified information about all jobs submitted/run by a users since 1 PM on January 4, 2021:
sacct -u <username> -S 2021-01-04T13:00:00 -o "jobid%5,jobname%25,user%15,nodelist%20" -X


Used to signal or cancel jobs or job steps.
E.g., to cancel a job:
scancel <jobid>


Used to view or modify job configuration.
E.g., to place a job on hold:
scontrol hold <jobid>

Slurm Compute Node Partitions

Defiant’s compute nodes are separated into 2 Slurm partitions (queues): 1 for CPU jobs and 1 for GPU. Please see the tables below for details.


Hold for partition info.

Process and Thread Mapping

This section describes how to map processes (e.g., MPI ranks) and process threads (e.g., OpenMP threads) to the CPUs and GPUs on Defiant. The Defiant Compute Nodes diagram will be helpful when reading this section to understand which hardware threads your processes and threads run on.

CPU Mapping

In this sub-section, a simple MPI+OpenMP “Hello, World” program (hello_mpi_omp) will be used to clarify the mappings. Slurm’s Interactive Jobs method was used to request an allocation of 1 compute node for these examples: salloc -A <project_id> -t 30 -p <parition> -N 1

The srun options used in this section are (see man srun for more information):

-c, --cpus-per-task=<ncpus>

Request that ncpus be allocated per process (default is 1).
(ncpus refers to hardware threads)


In task layout, use the specified maximum number of threads per core
(default is 1; there are 2 hardware threads per physical CPU core).


Bind tasks to CPUs.
threads - Automatically generate masks binding tasks to threads.
(Although this option is not explicitly used in these examples, it is the default CPU binding.)


In the srun man page (and so the table above), threads refers to hardware threads.

2 MPI ranks - each with 2 OpenMP threads

In this example, the intent is to launch 2 MPI ranks, each of which spawn 2 OpenMP threads, and have all of the 4 OpenMP threads run on different physical CPU cores.

First (INCORRECT) attempt

To set the number of OpenMP threads spawned per MPI rank, the OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable can be used. To set the number of MPI ranks launched, the srun flag -n can be used.

$ export OMP_NUM_THREADS=2
$ srun -n2 ./hello_mpi_omp | sort

WARNING: Requested total thread count and/or thread affinity may result in
oversubscription of available CPU resources!  Performance may be degraded.
Explicitly set OMP_WAIT_POLICY=PASSIVE or ACTIVE to suppress this message.
Set CRAY_OMP_CHECK_AFFINITY=TRUE to print detailed thread-affinity messages.
WARNING: Requested total thread count and/or thread affinity may result in
oversubscription of available CPU resources!  Performance may be degraded.
Explicitly set OMP_WAIT_POLICY=PASSIVE or ACTIVE to suppress this message.
Set CRAY_OMP_CHECK_AFFINITY=TRUE to print detailed thread-affinity messages.

MPI 000 - OMP 000 - HWT 000 - Node defiant01
MPI 000 - OMP 001 - HWT 000 - Node defiant01
MPI 001 - OMP 000 - HWT 016 - Node defiant01
MPI 001 - OMP 001 - HWT 016 - Node defiant01

The first thing to notice here is the WARNING about oversubscribing the available CPU cores. Also, the output shows each MPI rank did spawn 2 OpenMP threads, but both OpenMP threads ran on the same hardware thread (for a given MPI rank). This was not the intended behavior; each OpenMP thread was meant to run on its own physical CPU core.

Second (CORRECT) attempt

By default, each MPI rank is allocated only 1 hardware thread, so both OpenMP threads only have that 1 hardware thread to run on - hence the WARNING and undesired behavior. In order for each OpenMP thread to run on its own physical CPU core, each MPI rank should be given 2 hardware thread (-c 2) - since, by default, only 1 hardware thread per physical CPU core is enabled (this would need to be -c 4 if --threads-per-core=2 instead of the default of 1. The OpenMP threads will be mapped to unique physical CPU cores unless there are not enough physical CPU cores available, in which case the remaining OpenMP threads will share hardware threads and a WARNING will be issued as shown in the previous example.

$ export OMP_NUM_THREADS=2
$ srun -n2 -c2 ./hello_mpi_omp | sort

MPI 000 - OMP 000 - HWT 000 - Node defiant13
MPI 000 - OMP 001 - HWT 001 - Node defiant13
MPI 001 - OMP 000 - HWT 016 - Node defiant13
MPI 001 - OMP 001 - HWT 017 - Node defiant13

Now the output shows that each OpenMP thread ran on (one of the hardware threads of) its own physical CPU cores. More specifically (see the Defiant Compute Node diagram), OpenMP thread 000 of MPI rank 000 ran on hardware thread 000 (i.e., physical CPU core 00), OpenMP thread 001 of MPI rank 000 ran on hardware thread 001 (i.e., physical CPU core 01), OpenMP thread 000 of MPI rank 001 ran on hardware thread 016 (i.e., physical CPU core 16), and OpenMP thread 001 of MPI rank 001 ran on hardware thread 017 (i.e., physical CPU core 17) - as expected.


There are many different ways users might choose to perform these mappings, so users are encouraged to clone the hello_mpi_omp program and test whether or not processes and threads are running where intended.

GPU Mapping

In this sub-section, an MPI+OpenMP+HIP “Hello, World” program (hello_jobstep) will be used to clarify the GPU mappings. Again, Slurm’s Interactive Jobs method was used to request an allocation of 2 compute node for these examples: salloc -A <project_id> -t 30 -p <parition> -N 2. The CPU mapping part of this example is very similar to the example used above in the CPU Mapping sub-section, so the focus here will be on the GPU mapping part.

The following srun options will be used in the examples below. See man srun for a complete list of options and more information.


Specify the number of GPUs required for the job on each task to be spawned in the job’s resource allocation.


Binds each task to the GPU which is on the same NUMA domain as the CPU core the MPI rank is running on.


Bind tasks to specific GPUs by setting GPU masks on tasks (or ranks) as specified where <list> is <gpu_id_for_task_0>,<gpu_id_for_task_1>,.... If the number of tasks (or ranks) exceeds the number of elements in this list, elements in the list will be reused as needed starting from the beginning of the list. To simplify support for large task counts, the lists may follow a map with an asterisk and repetition count. (For example map_gpu:0*4,1*4)


Request that there are ntasks tasks invoked for every GPU.


Specifies the distribution of MPI ranks across compute nodes, sockets (NUMA domains on Defiant), and cores, respectively. The default values are block:cyclic:cyclic


In general, GPU mapping can be accomplished in different ways. For example, an application might map MPI ranks to GPUs programmatically within the code using, say, hipSetDevice. In this case, since all GPUs on a node are available to all MPI ranks on that node by default, there might not be a need to map to GPUs using Slurm (just do it in the code). However, in another application, there might be a reason to make only a subset of GPUs available to the MPI ranks on a node. It is this latter case that the following examples refer to.

Mapping 1 task per GPU

In the following examples, each MPI rank (and its OpenMP threads) will be mapped to a single GPU.

Example 1: 4 MPI ranks - each with 2 OpenMP threads and 1 GPU (single-node)

This example launches 4 MPI ranks (-n4), each with 2 physical CPU cores (-c2) to launch 2 OpenMP threads (OMP_NUM_THREADS=2) on. In addition, each MPI rank (and its 2 OpenMP threads) should have access to only 1 GPU. To accomplish the GPU mapping, two new srun options will be used:

  • --gpus-per-task specifies the number of GPUs required for the job on each task

  • --gpu-bind=closest binds each task to the GPU which is closest.


To further clarify, --gpus-per-task does not actually bind GPUs to MPI ranks. It allocates GPUs to the job step. The --gpu-bind=closest is what actually maps a specific GPU to each rank; namely, the “closest” one, which is the GPU on the same NUMA domain as the CPU core the MPI rank is running on (see the Defiant Compute Nodes section).


Without these additional flags, all MPI ranks would have access to all GPUs (which is the default behavior).

$ export OMP_NUM_THREADS=2
$ srun -N1 -n4 -c2 --gpus-per-task=1 --gpu-bind=closest ./hello_jobstep | sort

MPI 000 - OMP 000 - HWT 000 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 0 - Bus_ID c9
MPI 000 - OMP 001 - HWT 001 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 0 - Bus_ID c9
MPI 001 - OMP 000 - HWT 016 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 1 - Bus_ID 87
MPI 001 - OMP 001 - HWT 017 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 1 - Bus_ID 87
MPI 002 - OMP 000 - HWT 032 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 2 - Bus_ID 48
MPI 002 - OMP 001 - HWT 033 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 2 - Bus_ID 48
MPI 003 - OMP 000 - HWT 048 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 3 - Bus_ID 09
MPI 003 - OMP 001 - HWT 049 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 3 - Bus_ID 09

The output contains different IDs associated with the GPUs so it is important to first describe these IDs before moving on. GPU_ID is the node-level (or global) GPU ID, which is labeled as one might expect from looking at a node diagram: 0, 1, 2, 3. RT_GPU_ID is the HIP runtime GPU ID, which can be thought of as each MPI rank’s local GPU ID numbering (with zero-based indexing). So in the output above, each MPI rank has access to 1 unique GPU - where MPI 000 has access to GPU 0, MPI 001 has access to GPU 1, etc., but all MPI ranks show a HIP runtime GPU ID of 0. The reason is that each MPI rank only “sees” one GPU and so the HIP runtime labels it as “0”, even though it might be global GPU ID 0, 1, 2, or 3. The GPU’s bus ID is included to definitively show that different GPUs are being used.

Here is a summary of the different GPU IDs reported by the example program:

  • GPU_ID is the node-level (or global) GPU ID read from ROCR_VISIBLE_DEVICES. If this environment variable is not set (either by the user or by Slurm), the value of GPU_ID will be set to N/A.

  • RT_GPU_ID is the HIP runtime GPU ID (as reported from, say hipGetDevice).

  • Bus_ID is the physical bus ID associated with the GPUs. Comparing the bus IDs is meant to definitively show that different GPUs are being used.

So the job step (i.e., srun command) used above gave the desired output. Each MPI rank spawned 2 OpenMP threads and had access to a unique GPU. The --gpus-per-task=1 allocated 1 GPU for each MPI rank and the --gpu-bind=closest ensured that the closest GPU to each rank was the one used.

Example 2: 8 MPI ranks - each with 2 OpenMP threads and 1 GPU (multi-node)

This example will extend Example 1 to run on 2 nodes. As the output shows, it is a very straightforward exercise of changing the number of nodes to 2 (-N2) and the number of MPI ranks to 8 (-n8).

$ export OMP_NUM_THREADS=2
$ srun -N2 -n8 -c2 --gpus-per-task=1 --gpu-bind=closest ./hello_jobstep | sort

MPI 000 - OMP 000 - HWT 000 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 0 - Bus_ID c9
MPI 000 - OMP 001 - HWT 001 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 0 - Bus_ID c9
MPI 001 - OMP 000 - HWT 016 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 1 - Bus_ID 87
MPI 001 - OMP 001 - HWT 017 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 1 - Bus_ID 87
MPI 002 - OMP 000 - HWT 032 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 2 - Bus_ID 48
MPI 002 - OMP 001 - HWT 033 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 2 - Bus_ID 48
MPI 003 - OMP 000 - HWT 048 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 3 - Bus_ID 09
MPI 003 - OMP 001 - HWT 049 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 3 - Bus_ID 09
MPI 004 - OMP 000 - HWT 000 - Node defiant14 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 0 - Bus_ID c9
MPI 004 - OMP 001 - HWT 001 - Node defiant14 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 0 - Bus_ID c9
MPI 005 - OMP 000 - HWT 016 - Node defiant14 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 1 - Bus_ID 87
MPI 005 - OMP 001 - HWT 017 - Node defiant14 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 1 - Bus_ID 87
MPI 006 - OMP 000 - HWT 032 - Node defiant14 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 2 - Bus_ID 48
MPI 006 - OMP 001 - HWT 033 - Node defiant14 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 2 - Bus_ID 48
MPI 007 - OMP 000 - HWT 048 - Node defiant14 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 3 - Bus_ID 09
MPI 007 - OMP 001 - HWT 049 - Node defiant14 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 3 - Bus_ID 09

Example 3: 4 MPI ranks - each with 2 OpenMP threads and 1 *specific* GPU (single-node)

This example will be very similar to Example 1, but instead of using --gpu-bind=closest to map each MPI rank to the closest GPU, --gpu-bind=map_gpu will be used to map each MPI rank to a specific GPU. The map_gpu option takes a comma-separated list of GPU IDs to specify how the MPI ranks are mapped to GPUs, where the form of the comma-separated list is <gpu_id_for_task_0>, <gpu_id_for_task_1>,....

$ export OMP_NUM_THREADS=2
$ srun -N1 -n4 -c2 --gpus-per-task=1 --gpu-bind=map_gpu:0,1,2,3 ./hello_jobstep | sort

MPI 000 - OMP 000 - HWT 000 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 0 - Bus_ID c9
MPI 000 - OMP 001 - HWT 001 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 0 - Bus_ID c9
MPI 001 - OMP 000 - HWT 016 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 1 - Bus_ID 87
MPI 001 - OMP 001 - HWT 017 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 1 - Bus_ID 87
MPI 002 - OMP 000 - HWT 032 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 2 - Bus_ID 48
MPI 002 - OMP 001 - HWT 033 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 2 - Bus_ID 48
MPI 003 - OMP 000 - HWT 048 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 3 - Bus_ID 09
MPI 003 - OMP 001 - HWT 049 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 3 - Bus_ID 09

Here, the output is the same as the results from Example 1. This is because the 4 GPU IDs in the comma-separated list happen to specify the GPUs within the same NUMA domains that the MPI ranks are in. So MPI 000 is mapped to GPU 0, MPI 001 is mapped to GPU 1, etc.

While this level of control over mapping MPI ranks to GPUs might be useful for some applications, it is always important to consider the implication of the mapping. For example, if the order of the GPU IDs in the map_gpu option is reversed, the MPI ranks and the GPUs they are mapped to would be in different NUMA domains, which could potentially lead to poorer performance.

$ export OMP_NUM_THREADS=2
$ srun -N1 -n4 -c2 --gpus-per-task=1 --gpu-bind=map_gpu:3,2,1,0 ./hello_jobstep | sort

MPI 000 - OMP 000 - HWT 000 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 3 - Bus_ID 09
MPI 000 - OMP 001 - HWT 001 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 3 - Bus_ID 09
MPI 001 - OMP 000 - HWT 016 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 2 - Bus_ID 48
MPI 001 - OMP 001 - HWT 017 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 2 - Bus_ID 48
MPI 002 - OMP 000 - HWT 032 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 1 - Bus_ID 87
MPI 002 - OMP 001 - HWT 033 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 1 - Bus_ID 87
MPI 003 - OMP 000 - HWT 048 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 0 - Bus_ID c9
MPI 003 - OMP 001 - HWT 049 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 0 - Bus_ID c9

Here, notice that MPI 000 now maps to GPU 3, MPI 001 maps to GPU 2, etc., so the MPI ranks are not in the same NUMA domains as the GPUs they are mapped to.


Again, this particular example would NOT be a very good mapping of GPUs to MPI ranks though. E.g., notice that MPI rank 000 is running on NUMA node 0, whereas GPU 3 is on NUMA node 3. Again, see the Defiant Compute Nodes section for NUMA descriptions.

Example 4: 8 MPI ranks - each with 2 OpenMP threads and 1 *specific* GPU (multi-node)

Extending Examples 2 and 3 to run on 2 nodes is also a straightforward exercise by changing the number of nodes to 2 (-N2) and the number of MPI ranks to 8 (-n8).

$ export OMP_NUM_THREADS=2
$ srun -N2 -n8 -c2 --gpus-per-task=1 --gpu-bind=map_gpu:0,1,2,3 ./hello_jobstep | sort

MPI 000 - OMP 000 - HWT 000 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 0 - Bus_ID c9
MPI 000 - OMP 001 - HWT 001 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 0 - Bus_ID c9
MPI 001 - OMP 000 - HWT 016 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 1 - Bus_ID 87
MPI 001 - OMP 001 - HWT 017 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 1 - Bus_ID 87
MPI 002 - OMP 000 - HWT 032 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 2 - Bus_ID 48
MPI 002 - OMP 001 - HWT 033 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 2 - Bus_ID 48
MPI 003 - OMP 000 - HWT 048 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 3 - Bus_ID 09
MPI 003 - OMP 001 - HWT 049 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 3 - Bus_ID 09
MPI 004 - OMP 000 - HWT 000 - Node defiant14 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 0 - Bus_ID c9
MPI 004 - OMP 001 - HWT 001 - Node defiant14 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 0 - Bus_ID c9
MPI 005 - OMP 000 - HWT 016 - Node defiant14 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 1 - Bus_ID 87
MPI 005 - OMP 001 - HWT 017 - Node defiant14 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 1 - Bus_ID 87
MPI 006 - OMP 000 - HWT 032 - Node defiant14 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 2 - Bus_ID 48
MPI 006 - OMP 001 - HWT 033 - Node defiant14 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 2 - Bus_ID 48
MPI 007 - OMP 000 - HWT 048 - Node defiant14 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 3 - Bus_ID 09
MPI 007 - OMP 001 - HWT 049 - Node defiant14 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 3 - Bus_ID 09
Mapping multiple MPI ranks to a single GPU

In the following examples, 2 MPI ranks will be mapped to 1 GPU. For the sake of brevity, OMP_NUM_THREADS will be set to 1, so -c1 will be used unless otherwise specified.


On AMD’s MI100 GPUs, multi-process service (MPS) is not needed since multiple MPI ranks per GPU is supported natively.

Example 5: 8 MPI ranks - where 2 ranks share a GPU (round-robin, single-node)

This example launches 8 MPI ranks (-n8), each with 1 physical CPU core (-c1) to launch 1 OpenMP thread (OMP_NUM_THREADS=1) on. The MPI ranks will be assigned to GPUs in a round-robin fashion so that each of the 4 GPUs on the node are shared by 2 MPI ranks. To accomplish this GPU mapping, a new srun option will be used:

  • --ntasks-per-gpu specifies the number of MPI ranks that will share access to a GPU.

$ export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1
$ srun -N1 -n8 -c1 --ntasks-per-gpu=2 --gpu-bind=closest ./hello_jobstep | sort

MPI 000 - OMP 000 - HWT 000 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 0 - Bus_ID c9
MPI 001 - OMP 000 - HWT 016 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 1 - Bus_ID 87
MPI 002 - OMP 000 - HWT 032 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 2 - Bus_ID 48
MPI 003 - OMP 000 - HWT 048 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 3 - Bus_ID 09
MPI 004 - OMP 000 - HWT 001 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 0 - Bus_ID c9
MPI 005 - OMP 000 - HWT 017 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 1 - Bus_ID 87
MPI 006 - OMP 000 - HWT 033 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 2 - Bus_ID 48
MPI 007 - OMP 000 - HWT 049 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 3 - Bus_ID 09

The output shows the round-robin (cyclic) distribution of MPI ranks to GPUs. In fact, it is a round-robin distribution of MPI ranks to NUMA domains (the default distribution). The GPU mapping is a consequence of where the MPI ranks are distributed; --gpu-bind=closest simply maps the GPU in a NUMA domain to the MPI ranks in the same NUMA domain.

Example 6: 16 MPI ranks - where 2 ranks share a GPU (round-robin, multi-node)

This example is an extension of Example 5 to run on 2 nodes.


This example requires a workaround to run as expected. --ntasks-per-gpu=2 does not force MPI ranks 008-015 to run on the second node, so the number of physical CPU cores per MPI rank is increased to 8 (-c8) to force the desired behavior due to the constraint of the number of physical CPU cores (64) on a node.

$ export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1
$ srun -N2 -n16 -c8 --ntasks-per-gpu=2 --gpu-bind=closest ./hello_jobstep | sort

MPI 000 - OMP 000 - HWT 005 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 0 - Bus_ID c9
MPI 001 - OMP 000 - HWT 018 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 1 - Bus_ID 87
MPI 002 - OMP 000 - HWT 032 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 2 - Bus_ID 48
MPI 003 - OMP 000 - HWT 050 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 3 - Bus_ID 09
MPI 004 - OMP 000 - HWT 010 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 0 - Bus_ID c9
MPI 005 - OMP 000 - HWT 026 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 1 - Bus_ID 87
MPI 006 - OMP 000 - HWT 040 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 2 - Bus_ID 48
MPI 007 - OMP 000 - HWT 059 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 3 - Bus_ID 09
MPI 008 - OMP 000 - HWT 003 - Node defiant14 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 0 - Bus_ID c9
MPI 009 - OMP 000 - HWT 016 - Node defiant14 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 1 - Bus_ID 87
MPI 010 - OMP 000 - HWT 032 - Node defiant14 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 2 - Bus_ID 48
MPI 011 - OMP 000 - HWT 048 - Node defiant14 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 3 - Bus_ID 09
MPI 012 - OMP 000 - HWT 008 - Node defiant14 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 0 - Bus_ID c9
MPI 013 - OMP 000 - HWT 024 - Node defiant14 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 1 - Bus_ID 87
MPI 014 - OMP 000 - HWT 042 - Node defiant14 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 2 - Bus_ID 48
MPI 015 - OMP 000 - HWT 056 - Node defiant14 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 3 - Bus_ID 09

Example 7: 8 MPI ranks - where 2 ranks share a GPU (packed, single-node)

This example launches 8 MPI ranks (-n8), each with 8 physical CPU cores (-c8) to launch 1 OpenMP thread (OMP_NUM_THREADS=1) on. The MPI ranks will be assigned to GPUs in a packed fashion so that each of the 4 GPUs on the node are shared by 2 MPI ranks. Similar to Example 5, -ntasks-per-gpu=2 will be used, but a new srun flag will be used to change the default round-robin (cyclic) distribution of MPI ranks across NUMA domains:

  • --distribution=<value>:[<value>]:[<value>] specifies the distribution of MPI ranks across compute nodes, sockets (NUMA domains on Defiant), and cores, respectively. The default values are block:cyclic:cyclic, which is where the cyclic assignment comes from in the previous examples.


In the job step for this example, --distribution=*:block is used, where * represents the default value of block for the distribution of MPI ranks across compute nodes and the distribution of MPI ranks across NUMA domains has been changed to block from its default value of cyclic.


Because the distribution across NUMA domains has been changed to a “packed” (block) configuration, caution must be taken to ensure MPI ranks end up in the NUMA domains where the GPUs they intend to be mapped to are located. To accomplish this, the number of physical CPU cores assigned to an MPI rank was increased - in this case to 8. Doing so ensures that only 2 MPI ranks can fit into a single NUMA domain. If the value of -c was left at 1, all 8 MPI ranks would be “packed” into the first NUMA domain, where the “closest” GPU would be GPU 0 - the only GPU in that NUMA domain.

Notice that this is not a workaround like in Example 6, but a requirement due to the block distribution of MPI ranks across NUMA domains.

$ export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1
$ srun -N1 -n8 -c8 --ntasks-per-gpu=2 --gpu-bind=closest --distribution=*:block ./hello_jobstep | sort

MPI 000 - OMP 000 - HWT 001 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 0 - Bus_ID c9
MPI 001 - OMP 000 - HWT 008 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 0 - Bus_ID c9
MPI 002 - OMP 000 - HWT 016 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 1 - Bus_ID 87
MPI 003 - OMP 000 - HWT 024 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 1 - Bus_ID 87
MPI 004 - OMP 000 - HWT 035 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 2 - Bus_ID 48
MPI 005 - OMP 000 - HWT 043 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 2 - Bus_ID 48
MPI 006 - OMP 000 - HWT 049 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 3 - Bus_ID 09
MPI 007 - OMP 000 - HWT 057 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 3 - Bus_ID 09

The overall effect of using --distribution=*:block and increasing the number of physical CPU cores available to each MPI rank is to place the first two MPI ranks in NUMA 0 with GPU 0, the next two MPI ranks in NUMA 1 with GPU 1, and so on.

Example 8: 16 MPI ranks - where 2 ranks share a GPU (packed, multi-node)

This example is an extension of Example 7 to use 2 compute nodes. With the appropriate changes put in place in Example 7, it is a straightforward exercise to change to using 2 nodes (-N2) and 16 MPI ranks (-n16).

$ export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1
$ srun -N2 -n16 -c8 --ntasks-per-gpu=2 --gpu-bind=closest --distribution=*:block ./hello_jobstep | sort

MPI 000 - OMP 000 - HWT 005 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 0 - Bus_ID c9
MPI 001 - OMP 000 - HWT 008 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 0 - Bus_ID c9
MPI 002 - OMP 000 - HWT 017 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 1 - Bus_ID 87
MPI 003 - OMP 000 - HWT 026 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 1 - Bus_ID 87
MPI 004 - OMP 000 - HWT 033 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 2 - Bus_ID 48
MPI 005 - OMP 000 - HWT 041 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 2 - Bus_ID 48
MPI 006 - OMP 000 - HWT 048 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 3 - Bus_ID 09
MPI 007 - OMP 000 - HWT 057 - Node defiant13 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 3 - Bus_ID 09
MPI 008 - OMP 000 - HWT 002 - Node defiant14 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 0 - Bus_ID c9
MPI 009 - OMP 000 - HWT 011 - Node defiant14 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 0 - Bus_ID c9
MPI 010 - OMP 000 - HWT 016 - Node defiant14 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 1 - Bus_ID 87
MPI 011 - OMP 000 - HWT 026 - Node defiant14 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 1 - Bus_ID 87
MPI 012 - OMP 000 - HWT 033 - Node defiant14 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 2 - Bus_ID 48
MPI 013 - OMP 000 - HWT 041 - Node defiant14 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 2 - Bus_ID 48
MPI 014 - OMP 000 - HWT 054 - Node defiant14 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 3 - Bus_ID 09
MPI 015 - OMP 000 - HWT 063 - Node defiant14 - RT_GPU_ID 0 - GPU_ID 3 - Bus_ID 09
Multiple GPUs per MPI rank

As mentioned previously, all GPUs are accessible by all MPI ranks by default, so it is possible to programatically map any combination of MPI ranks to GPUs. However, there is currently no way to use Slurm to map multiple GPUs to a single MPI rank. If this functionality is needed for an application, please submit a ticket by emailing


There are many different ways users might choose to perform these mappings, so users are encouraged to clone the hello_jobstep program and test whether or not processes and threads are running where intended.

NVMe Usage

Each Defiant compute node has [2x] 3.2 TB NVMe devices (SSDs) with a peak sequential performance of 6900 MB/s (read) and 4200 MB/s (write). To use the NVMe, users must request access during job allocation using the -C nvme option to sbatch, salloc, or srun. Once the devices have been granted to a job, users can access them at /mnt/bb/<userid>. Users are responsible for moving data to/from the NVMe before/after their jobs. Here is a simple example script:

#SBATCH -A <projid>
#SBATCH -J nvme_test
#SBATCH -o %x-%j.out
#SBATCH -t 00:05:00
#SBATCH -p batch
#SBATCH -C nvme


# Change directory to user scratch space (GPFS)
cd /gpfs/alpine/<projid>/scratch/<userid>

echo " "
echo "*****ORIGINAL FILE*****"
cat test.txt
echo "***********************"

# Move file from GPFS to SSD
mv test.txt /mnt/bb/<userid>

# Edit file from compute node
srun -n1 hostname >> /mnt/bb/<userid>/test.txt

# Move file from SSD back to GPFS
mv /mnt/bb/<userid>/test.txt .

echo " "
echo "*****UPDATED FILE******"
cat test.txt
echo "***********************"

And here is the output from the script:

$ cat nvme_test-<jobid>.out
Mon May 17 12:28:18 EDT 2021

This is my file. There are many like it but this one is mine.

*****UPDATED FILE******
This is my file. There are many like it but this one is mine.

Container Usage

Defiant provides Apptainer v1.2.5 installed for building and running containers. Defiant also provides Podman to build container images if you only have the Dockerfile formats and can’t convert to the Apptainer format. Currently the containers that can be built with Podman is very limited, so it is recommended that you convert your Dockerfiles to the Apptainer Definition format. See documentation for that here .


The container docs will continue to evolve and change as we identify better practices and more user friendly methods for using containers on Defiant to best suit the needs of the users. If something you’re trying no longer works, be sure to come back and check the docs to see if anything has changed.

Setup before Building

Users will need to set up a file in their home directory /ccsopen/home/<username>/.config/containers/storage.conf with the following content:

driver = "overlay"
graphroot = "/tmp/containers/<user>"

additionalimagestores = [

ignore_chown_errors = "true"
mount_program = "/usr/bin/fuse-overlayfs"
mountopt = "nodev,metacopy=on"


<user> in the graphroot = "/tmp/containers/<user>" in the above file should be replaced with your username. This will ensure that Podman will use the NVMe mounted in /tmp/containers for storage during container image builds.

Build and Run Workflow

As an example, let’s build and run a very simple container image to demonstrate the workflow.

Building a Simple Image

  • Create a directory called simplecontainer on home or GPFS and cd into it.

  • Create a file named simple.def with the following contents.

    Bootstrap: docker
    From: opensuse/leap:15.4
    zypper install -y wget sudo git gzip gcc-c++ openssh hostname
  • Build the container image with apptainer build simple.sif simple.def.

    • Apptainer builds the container image in the SIF file format. Unlike Podman, Apptainer gives you a single file for your image that you can later run as your container.


Using opensuse as your From image is preferred as it does not run into issues when installing packages with the zypper (until we get to a point where all users have mappings in the /etc/subuid files which is currently a work in progress).

Running a Simple Container in a Batch Job

As a simple example, we will run hostname with the Apptainer container.

  • Create a file with the contents below.

    #SBATCH -t00:10:00
    #SBATCH -A csc266
    #SBATCH -N2
    #BATCH -P batch
    #SBATCH -J simple_container_job
    #SBATCH -o %x_%j.out
    #SBATCH -e %x_%j.out
    srun  -N2 --tasks-per-node=1 apptainer exec  simple.sif hostname
  • Submit the job with sbatch This should produce an output that looks like:


Note that if you are running multiple tasks per node, for example with srun -N1 --tasks-per-node=2 apptainer exec simple.sif hostname, Apptainer is running an instance of the runtime for each task i.e. the same running container is NOT shared between multiple tasks running on the same node.

Running an MPI program with an MPI image

For running a program that uses MPI, you will need to build your container image with MPICH 3.4.2 installed (and also install ROCm if you need GPU functionality). We have a prebuilt image with with MPICH 3.4.2 and ROCm 5.3.3 in /lustre/polis/stf007/world-shared/containers/opensusempich342rocm533.sif. The definition files that are used to build this image can be found on this repo . Let’s look at an example where we build a container that runs an MPI example based on this image.

  • Create a new directory mpiexample.

  • Create a file mpiexample.c with the following contents.

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <mpi.h>
    int main (int argc, char *argv[])
    int rank, size;
    MPI_Comm comm;
    comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
    MPI_Init (&argc, &argv);
    MPI_Comm_rank (comm, &rank);
    MPI_Comm_size (comm, &size);
    printf("Hello from rank %d\n", rank);
  • Create a file named mpiexample.def with the following contents

    Bootstrap: localimage
    From: /lustre/polis/stf007/world-shared/containers/opensusempich342rocm533.sif
    mpiexample.c /app/mpiexample.c
    cd /app && mpicc -o mpiexample mpiexample.c
  • Build the container image with apptainer build mpiexample.sif mpiexample.def.

  • Create a submit script with the following contents. The submit script will launch four apptainer tasks across two nodes with MPI running, and prints their rank id the same as if the program was running on bare metal.

    #SBATCH -t00:10:00
    #SBATCH -A csc266
    #SBATCH -N2
    #SBATCH -J mpiexample
    #SBATCH -o %x_%j.out
    #SBATCH -e %x_%j.out
    module  load amd-mixed
    module load craype-accel-amd-gfx908
    module load cray-mpich-abi
    export APPTAINERENV_LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$CRAY_MPICH_DIR/lib-abi-mpich:$CRAY_MPICH_ROOTDIR/gtl/lib:/opt/rocm/lib:/opt/rocm/lib64:$CRAY_LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/cray/pe/lib64:/usr/lib64/libibverbs"
    export APPTAINER_CONTAINLIBS="/usr/lib64/,/usr/lib64/,/usr/lib64/,/usr/lib64/,/usr/lib64/,/lib64/,/usr/lib64/,/usr/lib64/,/usr/lib64/,/usr/lib64/libibverbs/,/usr/lib64/"
    export APPTAINER_BIND=/usr/share/libdrm,/var/spool/slurm,/opt/cray,${PWD},/etc/libibverbs.d,/usr/lib64/libibverbs/
    srun  -N2 -n4 --tasks-per-node 2 apptainer exec  --workdir `pwd` mpiexample.sif /app/mpiexample
  • You should get output that looks like

    <several INFO messages. Can be ignored>
    Hello from rank 1
    Hello from rank 0
    Hello from rank 2
    Hello from rank 3

You can view the definition files used to build the base image at the repository in the defiant directory. You can build these yourself (if you want slightly modify it) by cloning the repository and running ./build in the individual directories in the repository.


GPU aware MPI is currently buggy on Defiant due to issues with the MI210 with the Slingshot-10 network. We have a ticket open with HPE to address the issue. This will affect GPU aware MPI in the containers as well. Once that is fixed, we will add documentation on how to use GPU aware MPI with containers on Defiant.

Getting Help

If you have problems or need helping running on Defiant, please submit a ticket by emailing

Known Issues

  • GPU aware MPI is currently not working on MPI. Your code should stage GPU data through main memory for MPI operations.