Sbcast Conda Environments
Slurm contains a utility called sbcast
that takes a file and broadcasts it to each node’s node-local storage (i.e., /tmp, NVMe).
This is useful for sharing large input files, binaries and shared libraries, while reducing the overhead on shared file systems and overhead at startup.
On Frontier, this is highly recommended at scale if you have multiple shared libraries on Lustre/NFS file systems.
Because Python environments are typically built in this fashion, you may find significant initialization speedup on Frontier if you sbcast
your environment to the NVMe (burst buffer) before running any Python scripts.
This guide walks through an example of how to tar
up your conda environment using conda-pack
and how to sbcast
it to the NVMe on Frontier.
OLCF Systems this guide applies to:
Installing Conda-Pack
Because conda environments are not relocatable, we must install a tool like conda-pack
that will make relocation to the NVMe possible.
Conda-Pack builds archives from original conda package sources and reproduces conda’s own relocation logic.
To install conda-pack
, install it from the conda-forge
channel like so:
conda install -c conda-forge conda-pack
If conda-pack
is unable to be installed in your production environment, you can install conda-pack
in a separate environment instead and follow a similar workflow.
Installing conda-pack
will let you use the conda pack
command which can be used to pack your conda environment into a .tar.gz
# Pack environment located at an explicit path into my_env.tar.gz
conda pack -p /explicit/path/to/my_env
After packing your environment, it can then be moved to the NVMe using sbcast
when in a compute job.
Packing your environment will also put a conda-unpack
script into the same .tar.gz
Extracting your .tar.gz
file and activating your environment will allow you to use the conda-unpack
command (script) which will clean up the prefixes of the active environment.
Unpacking your conda environment on the NVMe using conda-unpack
will make your conda environment act as if it was installed on the NVMe originally.
The next section will show an example environment on Frontier that is relocated to the NVMe using sbcast
Example Usage on Frontier
In this example, we will create a new PyTorch environment and move it to the NVMe using conda-pack
and sbcast
First, let’s load our modules and setup the environment:
# Loading the relevant modules
module load PrgEnv-gnu/8.5.0
module load rocm/5.7.1
module load craype-accel-amd-gfx90a
# Create your conda environment
module load miniforge3/23.11.0-0
conda create -p $MEMBERWORK/<PROJECT_ID>/torch_env python=3.10
source activate $MEMBERWORK/<PROJECT_ID>/torch_env
# Install PyTorch w/ ROCm 5.7 support from pre-compiled binary
pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url
# Install Conda-Pack into your environment
conda install -c conda-forge conda-pack
Next, let’s pack our new conda environment:
conda pack -p $MEMBERWORK/<PROJECT_ID>/torch_env
Finally, let’s run a compute job:
sbatch --export=NONE submit.sbatch
Below is an example batch script that uses sbcast
, unpacks our environment, and runs an example Python script across 8 nodes:
#SBATCH -J bcast_example
#SBATCH -o %x-%j.out
#SBATCH -t 00:05:00
#SBATCH -C nvme
# Only necessary if submitting like: sbatch --export=NONE ... (recommended)
# Do NOT include this line when submitting without --export=NONE
# Setup modules
module load PrgEnv-gnu/8.5.0
module load rocm/5.7.1
module load miniforge3/23.11.0-0
module load craype-accel-amd-gfx90a
# Move a copy of the env to the NVMe on each node
echo "copying torch_env to each node in the job"
sbcast -pf ./torch_env.tar.gz /mnt/bb/${USER}/torch_env.tar.gz
if [ ! "$?" == "0" ]; then
# CHECK EXIT CODE. When SBCAST fails, it may leave partial files on the compute nodes, and if you continue to launch srun,
# your application may pick up partially complete shared library files, which would give you confusing errors.
echo "SBCAST failed!"
exit 1
# Untar the environment file (only need 1 task per node to do this)
srun -N8 --ntasks-per-node 1 mkdir /mnt/bb/${USER}/torch_env
echo "untaring torchenv"
srun -N8 --ntasks-per-node 1 tar -xzf /mnt/bb/${USER}/torch_env.tar.gz -C /mnt/bb/${USER}/torch_env
# Unpack the env
source activate /mnt/bb/${USER}/torch_env
srun -N8 --ntasks-per-node 1 conda-unpack
# Run the Python script
srun --unbuffered -l -N 8 -n 64 -c7 --ntasks-per-node=8 --gpus-per-node=8 --gpus-per-task=1 --gpu-bind=closest python3
# Gather timings of each slurm jobstep
sacct -j ${SLURM_JOBID} -o jobid%20,Start%20,elapsed%20
The key parts of the above batch script are:
Using the
#SBATCH -C nvme
line makes sure that you’ll get access to the NVMe (accessible at/mnt/bb/<userid>
line broadcasts thetorch_env.tar.gz
file to the NVMe on each nodeYou must make a directory on each NVMe first before extracting the tar file to that directory on each node
Unpacking the environment on each node’s NVMe will make sure each node has access to the new “cleaned” environment
To show the benefit this method provides, let’s see how it affects the timings of running our example script:
import os
import torch
import torch.distributed as dist
def report_env():
rocr_devices = os.getenv("ROCR_VISIBLE_DEVICES")
hip_devices = os.getenv("HIP_VISIBLE_DEVICES")
cuda_visible_devices = os.getenv("CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES")
torch_version = torch.__version__
cuda_available = torch.cuda.is_available()
curr_device = torch.cuda.current_device()
device_arch = str(torch.cuda.get_device_name(torch.cuda.current_device()))
cuda_version = torch.version.cuda
hip_version = torch.version.hip
bf16_support = torch.cuda.is_bf16_supported()
nccl_available = torch.distributed.is_nccl_available()
nccl_version = torch.cuda.nccl.version()
print(f"Torch version: {torch_version}")
print(f"CUDA available: {cuda_available} ")
print(f"CUDA version: {cuda_version} ")
print(f"HIP version: {hip_version} ")
print(f"current device: {curr_device} ")
print(f"device arch name: {device_arch} ")
print(f"BF16 support: {bf16_support} ")
print(f"NCCL available: {nccl_available} ")
print(f"NCCL version: {nccl_version} ")
print(f"ROCR_VISIIBLE_DEVICES: {rocr_devices} ")
print(f"HIP_VISIBLE_DEVICES: {hip_devices} ")
print(f"CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES: {cuda_visible_devices} ")
def main():
if __name__ == "__main__":
Here are the timings from the sbcast
NVMe run:
JobID Start Elapsed
--------------- ---------------- --------------------
jobid . 00:01:13
jobid.batch . 00:01:13
jobid.extern . 00:01:13
jobid.0 . 00:00:01 mkdir
jobid.1 . 00:00:49 untar
jobid.2 . 00:00:00 unpack
jobid.3 . 00:00:02
Here are the timings if the environment was never broadcast from Orion:
JobID Start Elapsed
--------------- ---------------- --------------------
jobid . 00:00:57
jobid.batch . 00:00:57
jobid.extern . 00:00:57
jobid.0 . 00:00:51
Here are the timings if the environment was stored on NFS and never broadcast:
JobID Start Elapsed
--------------- ---------------- --------------------
jobid . 00:04:04
jobid.batch . 00:04:04
jobid.extern . 00:04:04
jobid.0 . 00:03:56
The big takeaway is the execution time of
, showing that NVMe > Orion >> NFS when it comes to where your conda environment is located before running the script.
Recall, this example was just at 8 nodes and would likely provide more benefit as the node count increases and when using more complex environments (and scripts).
Although extracting the tar.gz
file introduces some overhead in the sbcast
method, that overhead is small compared to the script initialization overhead in the Orion and NFS method when scaling up to higher node counts.
For more information on using sbcast
on Frontier, please see the Frontier User Guide.