Python on OLCF Systems


Frontier, Summit, and Andes have new conda modules: miniforge3. Miniforge behaves similarly to older Anaconda modules, but target the conda-forge channel by default. Old modules remain available.


In high-performance computing, Python is heavily used to analyze scientific data on the system. Some users require specific versions of Python or niche scientific packages to analyze their data, which may further depend on numerous other Python packages. Because of all the dependencies that some Python packages require, and all the types of data that exist, it can be quite troublesome to get different Python installations to “play nicely” with each-other, especially on an HPC system where the system environment is complicated. “Virtual environments” help alleviate these issues by isolating package installations into self-contained directory trees.

Although Python has a native virtual environment feature (venv), one popular virtual environment manager is Conda, an open source package and virtual environment manager. Conda allows users to easily install different versions of binary software packages and any required libraries appropriate for their computing platform. The versatility of conda allows a user to essentially build their own isolated Python environment, without having to worry about clashing dependencies and other system installations of Python. Conda is available on select OLCF systems (Summit, Andes, and Frontier).

For users interested in using Python with Jupyter, see our Jupyter at OLCF page instead.

For users interested in using the machine learning open-ce module (formerly ibm-wml-ce) on Summit, see our IBM Watson Machine Learning CE -> Open CE page.

OLCF Python Guides

Below is a list of guides created for using Python on OLCF systems.


For newer users to conda, it is highly recommended to view our Conda Basics Guide, where a Quick-Reference Commands list is provided.

Module Usage

To start using Python, all you need to do is load the module:

$ module load miniforge3/24.3.0-0
$ module load miniforge3/23.11.0-0


Loading the older python module on Andes is still possible. However, that Anaconda installation is quite old.

$ module load miniforge3/23.11.0-0


Using the cray-python module on Frontier is also an option but is not a conda installation. Due to the lack of flexibility of venv and cray-python, we recommend using miniforge3 instead.


When using the conda modules, do NOT run conda init. This will end up hard-coding a conda installation into your shell configuration file (e.g., .bashrc, .bash_profile, etc.) and could cause problems when switching between HPC systems. If you have a code-block in your configuration file starting with >>> conda initialize >>>, it is recommended to delete the entire block.

Base Environment

Loading the Python module on all systems will put you in a “base” pre-configured environment. This option is recommended for users who do not need custom environments and only require a Python installation. Loading the relevant miniforge3 module on Summit, Frontier, and Andes provides some basic analysis packages like NumPy, Scipy, and Matplotlib. However, the pre-installed package list is inherently minimal and users are encouraged to install additional packages for themselves.

To see a full list of the packages installed in the base environment, use conda list. A small preview is provided below:

$ module load miniforge3/24.3.0-0
$ conda list

# packages in environment at /autofs/nccs-svm1_sw/summit/miniforge3/24.3.0-0:
# Name                    Version                   Build  Channel
_libgcc_mutex             0.1                 conda_forge    conda-forge
_openmp_mutex             4.5                       2_gnu    conda-forge
ansible                   10.0.0             pyh707e725_0    conda-forge
ansible-core              2.17.0             pyh707e725_0    conda-forge
archspec                  0.2.3              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
boltons                   24.0.0             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
brotli                    1.1.0                ha17a0cc_1    conda-forge
brotli-bin                1.1.0                ha17a0cc_1    conda-forge
brotli-python             1.1.0           py310h9de49d8_1    conda-forge
$ module load miniforge3/23.11.0-0
$ conda list

# packages in environment at /autofs/nccs-svm1_sw/andes/miniforge3/23.11.0-0:
# Name                    Version                   Build  Channel
_libgcc_mutex             0.1                 conda_forge    conda-forge
_openmp_mutex             4.5                       2_gnu    conda-forge
alsa-lib                  1.2.11               hd590300_1    conda-forge
archspec                  0.2.2              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
attr                      2.5.1                h166bdaf_1    conda-forge
boltons                   23.1.1             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
brotli                    1.1.0                hd590300_1    conda-forge
brotli-bin                1.1.0                hd590300_1    conda-forge
brotli-python             1.1.0           py310hc6cd4ac_1    conda-forge
$ module load miniforge3/23.11.0-0
$ conda list

# packages in environment at /autofs/nccs-svm1_sw/frontier/miniforge3/23.11.0-0:
# Name                    Version                   Build  Channel
_libgcc_mutex             0.1                 conda_forge    conda-forge
_openmp_mutex             4.5                       2_gnu    conda-forge
alsa-lib                  1.2.11               hd590300_1    conda-forge
ansible                   10.1.0             pyh707e725_0    conda-forge
ansible-core              2.17.1             pyh707e725_0    conda-forge
archspec                  0.2.2              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
attr                      2.5.1                h166bdaf_1    conda-forge
boltons                   23.1.1             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
brotli                    1.1.0                hd590300_1    conda-forge


It is not recommended to try to install new packages into the base environment. Instead, you can either clone the base environment for yourself and install packages into the clone, or create a brand new (empty) environment and install packages into it. An example for cloning the base environment is provided in Best Practices below, while creating new environments is covered directly below in Custom Environments.

Custom Environments

You can also create your own custom environments after loading the Python module. This option is recommended for users that require a different version of Python than the default version available, or for users that want a personal environment to manage specialized packages. This is possible via conda commands.


A more complete list of conda commands is provided in the Quick-Reference Commands section of the Conda Basics Guide.

To create and activate an environment:

#1. Load the module
$ module load miniforge3/24.3.0-0

#2a. Create "my_env" with Python version X.Y at the desired path
$ conda create -p /path/to/my_env python=X.Y

#2b. Create "my_env" with Python version X.Y with a specific name (defaults to $HOME directory)
$ conda create --name my_env python=X.Y

#3. Activate "my_env"
$ source activate /path/to/my_env
#1. Load the module
$ module load miniforge3/23.11.0-0

#2a. Create "my_env" with Python version X.Y at the desired path
$ conda create -p /path/to/my_env python=X.Y

#2b. Create "my_env" with Python version X.Y with a specific name (defaults to $HOME directory)
$ conda create --name my_env python=X.Y

#3. Activate "my_env"
$ source activate /path/to/my_env
#1. Load the module
$ module load miniforge3/23.11.0-0

#2a. Create "my_env" with Python version X.Y at the desired path
$ conda create -p /path/to/my_env python=X.Y

#2b. Create "my_env" with Python version X.Y with a specific name (defaults to $HOME directory)
$ conda create --name my_env python=X.Y

#3. Activate "my_env"
$ source activate /path/to/my_env


For users interested in sharing their environment, it is highly recommended to create new environments in the “Project Home” directory (/ccs/proj/<project_id>/<user_id>). This space avoids purges and allows for potential collaboration within your project. It is also recommended, for convenience, that you use environment names that indicate the hostname, as virtual environments created on one system will not necessarily work on others.

It is always recommended to deactivate an environment before activating a new one. Deactivating an environment can be achieved through:

# Deactivate the current environment
$ source deactivate
# Deactivate the current environment
$ source deactivate
# Deactivate the current environment
$ source deactivate

How to Run


Remember, at larger scales both your performance and your fellow users’ performance will suffer if you do not run on the compute nodes. It is always highly recommended to run on the compute nodes (through the use of a batch job or interactive batch job).

The OS-provided Python is no longer accessible as python (including variations like /usr/bin/python or /usr/bin/env python); rather, you must specify it as python2 or python3. If you are using python from one of the module files rather than the version in /usr/bin, this change should not affect how you invoke python in your scripts, although we encourage specifying python2 or python3 as a best practice, or specifying the full path to your Python installation.


Before jumping into batch scripts, remember to check out the Module Usage section first, which details the differences between Python modules and environments on our different systems.

Batch Script - Summit

To use Python on a Summit compute node, you must use jsrun, even if running in serial.

Additionally, $PATH issues are known to occur after having loaded multiple conda environments before submitting a batch script. Therefore, it is recommended to use a fresh login shell before submission. The -L flag for bsub ensures that no previously set environment variables are passed into the batch job.

$ bsub -L $SHELL submit.lsf

This means you will have to load your modules and activate your environment inside the batch script. An example batch script for Summit is provided below:

#BSUB -W 00:05
#BSUB -nnodes 1
#BSUB -J python
#BSUB -o python.%J.out
#BSUB -e python.%J.err


module load miniforge3/24.3.0-0
source activate my_env

jsrun -n1 -r1 -a1 -c1 python3

Interactive Job - Summit

To use Python in an interactive session on Summit:

$ module load miniforge3/24.3.0-0
$ bsub -W 0:05 -nnodes 1 -P <PROJECT_ID> -Is $SHELL
$ source activate my_env
$ jsrun -n1 -r1 -a1 -c1 python3

Frontier / Andes

Before jumping into batch scripts, remember to check out the Module Usage section first, which details the differences between Python modules and environments on our different systems.

Batch Script - Frontier / Andes

On Frontier and Andes, you are already on a compute node once you are in a batch job. Therefore, you only need to use srun if you plan to run parallel-enabled Python, and you do not need to specify srun if you are running a serial application.

Similar to Summit (see above), $PATH issues are known to occur if not submitting from a fresh login shell, which can result in the wrong environment being detected. To avoid this, you must use the --export=NONE flag during job submission and use unset SLURM_EXPORT_ENV in your job script (before calling srun), which ensures that no previously set environment variables are passed into the batch job, but makes sure that srun can still find your python path:

$ sbatch --export=NONE

This means you will have to load your modules and activate your environment inside the batch script. An example batch script for is provided below:

#SBATCH -J python
#SBATCH -p batch
#SBATCH -t 0:05:00

# Only necessary if submitting like: sbatch --export=NONE ... (recommended)
# Do NOT include this line when submitting without --export=NONE


module load miniforge3/23.11.0-0
source activate my_env

#SBATCH -J python
#SBATCH -p batch
#SBATCH -t 0:05:00

# Only necessary if submitting like: sbatch --export=NONE ... (recommended)
# Do NOT include this line when submitting without --export=NONE


module load miniforge3/23.11.0-0
source activate my_env


Interactive Job - Frontier / Andes

To use Python in an interactive session on Frontier and Andes:

$ salloc -A <PROJECT_ID> -N 1 -t 0:05:00
$ module load miniforge3/23.11.0-0
$ source activate my_env
$ python3
$ salloc -A <PROJECT_ID> -N 1 -t 0:05:00
$ module load miniforge3/23.11.0-0
$ source activate my_env
$ python3

When in an interactive job, if you want to use an interactive Python prompt and srun at the same time, use the --pty flag (useful when running with multiple tasks):

$ srun --pty python3

Best Practices

  • Do not run conda activate or conda init:

    When using the conda modules, do NOT run conda init. This will end up hard-coding a conda installation into your shell configuration file (e.g., .bashrc, .bash_profile, etc.) and could cause problems when switching between HPC systems. If you have a code-block in your configuration file starting with >>> conda initialize >>>, it is recommended to delete the entire block. Running conda activate may also cause this issue. Ignore any “deprecation” or “deprecated” messages and still use source activate.

  • Avoid loading conda modules twice:

    Loading a given miniforge3 or python module twice in a single session is known to cause problems with detecting conda environments after activation. This can lead to environments not being detected even after using source activate. Unloading, deactivating, or reloading the module will not solve the issue, so you’ll have to re-login or otherwise enter a fresh shell session to fix things.

  • Specify or check your Python path:

    It is always best to explicitly indicate which Python environment you’re using before running scripts. This can be done by using #!/path/to/your/python3 lines at the top of your Python scripts, by passing the Python path at execution time, or - at the very least - checking which environment you’re in like so:

    $ echo "Using this Python environment: $(which python3)"

    Having a line similar to the above in your batch scripts may help diagnose compute jobs that may be using the wrong environment.

  • Cloning an environment using conda:

    If there is an existing environment you would like to use but want to modify without affecting the original, you can clone the environment for yourself and install packages into the clone. To clone an environment, you must use the --clone <env_to_clone> flag when creating a new conda environment. An example for cloning the base environment into a specific directory called envs/summit/ in your “Project Home” on Summit is provided below:

    $ conda create -p /ccs/proj/<project_id>/<user_id>/envs/summit/baseclone-summit --clone base
    $ source activate /ccs/proj/<project_id>/<user_id>/envs/summit/baseclone-summit
  • Cloning the “base environment” using venv:

    $ python3 -m venv /path/to/new_env --system-site-packages
  • Environment locations (storage):

    For certain packages, having environments stored on NFS instead of a system’s parallel filesystem (like Alpine or Orion) may cause performance issues. If you see slow initialization times, it may be worth creating your environment on the parallel filesystem instead (is subject to purge policies).

    For running Python at scale on Frontier, it may be worth moving your virtual environment to the NVMe Burst Buffer using sbcast (see our Sbcast Conda Environments guide for more details). In general NVMe > Orion >> NFS on Frontier.

  • Adding known conda environment locations:

    For a conda environment to be callable by a “name”, it must be installed in one of the envs_dirs directories. The list of known directories can be seen by executing:

    $ conda config --show envs_dirs

    On OLCF systems, the default location is your $HOME directory. If you plan to frequently create environments in a different location other than the default (such as /ccs/proj/...), then there is an option to add directories to the envs_dirs list.

    For example, to track conda environments in a subdirectory called summit in Project Home you would execute:

    $ conda config --append envs_dirs /ccs/proj/<project_id>/<user_id>/envs/summit

    This will create a .condarc file in your $HOME directory if you do not have one already, which will now contain this new envs_dirs location. This will now enable you to use the --name env_name flag when using conda commands for environments stored in the summit directory, instead of having to use the -p /ccs/proj/<project_id>/<user_id>/envs/summit/env_name flag and specifying the full path to the environment. For example, you can do source activate my_env instead of source activate /ccs/proj/<project_id>/<user_id>/envs/summit/my_env.

  • Make note of and clean your pip cache location:

    To avoid quota issues, it is highly recommended to occasionally clean your pip cache location.

    • To find where your cache location is, use:

      $ pip cache info
    • To clean your cache, use:

      $ pip cache purge
  • Clean your conda cache:

    To avoid quota issues, it is highly recommended to occasionally clean your conda cache location (in your .conda directory). To do so, run:

    $ conda clean -a
  • Deactivate your environments before running batch jobs:

    To avoid $PATH issues, it is highly recommended to submit batch jobs or enter interactive jobs without an already activated environment – so, deactivating your environment is recommended. Alternatively, you can submit your jobs from a fresh login shell.

  • Unbuffered input:

    To enable unbuffered input when running Python jobs or scripts on our systems, it is recommended to use the -u flag. For example:

    $ python3 -u

Additional Resources