Rigetti currently offers access to their systems via their Quantum Cloud Services (QCS). With QCS, Rigetti’s quantum processors (QPUs) are tightly integrated with classical computing infrastructure and made available to you over the cloud. Rigetti also provides users with quantum computing example algorithms for optimization, quantum system profiling, and other applications.
A list of available Rigetti systems/QPUs, along with their performance statistics, can be found on the Rigetti Systems Page.
In addition to the Running Jobs section below, a general workflow overview of how programs are run with Rigetti’s QCS can be found on Rigetti’s How Programs Are Built & Run Guide.
The guide below describes how to use the system(s) once you have access. For instructions on how to gain access, see our Quantum Access page instead.
Access to the Rigetti Quantum Computing queue and simulators can be obtained via multiple methods – either through the cloud or locally.
Cloud Access
Rigetti provides system access via a cloud-based JupyterLab development environment: https://docs.rigetti.com/qcs/getting-started/jupyterlab-ide. From there, users can access a JupyterLab server loaded with Rigetti’s PyQuil programming framework, Rigetti’s Forest Software Development Kit, and associated program examples and tutorials. This is the method that allows access to Rigetti’s QPU’s directly, as opposed to simulators.
Locally via Forest SDK
Users are able to install Rigetti software locally for the purpose of development using a provided Quantum Virtual Machine, or QVM, an implementation of a quantum computer simulator that can run Rigetti’s Quil programs. This can be done via two methods:
Installing manually: https://docs.rigetti.com/qcs/getting-started/installing-locally
Running Jobs
All jobs run on Rigetti’s systems are submitted via system reservation. This can be done either by using Rigetti’s QCS dashboard to schedule the reservation, or via interacting with the QCS via the Command Line Interface (CLI). Scheduled reservations can be viewed and/or cancelled via either method, either in the dashboard or from the CLI.
To submit a reservation via the QCS dashboard: https://docs.rigetti.com/qcs/guides/reserving-time-on-a-qpu#using-the-qcs-dashboard
To submit a reservation via the QCS CLI, and installation instructions: https://docs.rigetti.com/qcs/guides/using-the-qcs-cli
Submitting Jobs
Accessing the Rigetti QPU systems can only be done during a user’s reservation window. To submit a job, users must have JupyterHub access to the system. QVM jobs can be run without network access in local environments. Jobs are compiled via Quilc and submitted via pyQuil (see Software Section below) in a python environment or Jupyter notebook.
Allocations & Credit Usage
Running a job on the Aspen-M-1 and Aspen-11 systems requires Rigetti credits, which are exchanged for system reservation time. Users are initially allocated credits equivalent to 60 minutes of reservation time at the beginning of a project, but requests for increased allocations should be submitted (with a brief explanation) to help@olcf.ornl.gov and will be reviewed by the QRUC.
Data Storage Policies
Any work saved in your QCS JupyterLab will be saved and maintained.
Quil: The Rigetti-developed quantum instruction/assembly language: https://pyquil-docs.rigetti.com/en/stable/compiler.html
Quil-T: an extension of Quil with enhanced control of microwave input signals, gate definitions and pulse parameters: https://pyquil-docs.rigetti.com/en/stable/quilt.html
Forest SDK: Rigetti-provided software tools for writing quantum programs in Quil, compiling and running them.
PyQuil: PyQuil is a Python library for writing and running quantum programs using Quil: https://pyquil-docs.rigetti.com/en/stable/
Quilc: Quilc is an optional optimizing compiler for Rigetti QPU code deployment: https://pyquil-docs.rigetti.com/en/v2.1.1/quilc-man.html